Thursday, September 29, 2011

twin killing (double dose)

We broke the surface and hit the tip of the iiceberg with double play scarios in our last installment,  the delve depper into this puppy. Double plays encompass situation where an occasion arises that you have the opportunity to garner putible out in one play. A double play has enlisted many aliases over the years in the sport, double play, also recognised as Twin Killings, or to lighten up the mood a wee-tad a Pitcher Best Friend. there are a plethora of situations that a twin killing can be obtain. let venture back in time, remember how we discussed numerical position pretaining to the positions in baseball. Any intertwining of two fielding  position can result in a double play. I.E a 4-6-3 double play, that is involving the second basemen the shortstop and the first basemen the first number is the first fielder to garner the ball. The second number is the second fielder and the third number in final player in a double play to reieve the cowhide (ball). In any instance a double play could walk  on the suspension bridge to destruction. Meaning that a double play could entertain being a break up artist  break up, just send it flowers and chocalate along with fireworks and yall may strive to patch things up. The brake-up could be a hard slide that bucks the the second basemen or the first recieving player off the base or off track. Via, the running on his horse from first to sencond, lack of concetration from the aspect of the fielders. The runner stop to beak up the stream of the play, disrupting the transfer from glove hand to firing hand, horrible and indecisive throws with not any mustard or cheeze on it. A horrible safe or out calls that diverts the player attention to the umpire. The hardest double play to complete in my opionion is the 3-5-3 , that first ifelder is  firing it over to third and then the third baemen shooting it back over to first,  its the hadest because there are an cermountable amount of errors that could appear,  like wind has its own trajectrory path it parlays the ball on rather then the players trajectory path. or hittin a flying object(I.E. Randy Johnson in 1994 hit an oncoming bird with a 99 miles an hour fastball,the bird exploded into a million pieces and it change the pathway from and inside a 17 inch striikezone to a  that picth ending up in the dugout.  Not to mention when completing a 3-5-3 your throwing the ball 180ft. as oppsed  to 90 feet. Also, crowd nosise can be a crucial factor as well. It also depend on how fierce the ball is crush or how soft in relation to how far the first fielder has to traverse to aquire the hit ball. That is also subjected to timing as well. numerous play we will embark on has a juice up to time as a major factor. You can reduce the time by manuevering fielders to shift positions( not the position themselves but the players) to different ranges of the postion, due to the tendancies of the complete the double play please be advised not to look ahead, please concentrate on one step cat a time, like a clean tranfer from the glove to the throwing hand. Please! See you hand into the glove and feel your hand grasp the ball. Concentrate on releasing vyour hand extract you hand from the glove, hawkeye the the next target and fire the ball like a bullet from an ak-47  to the next base or player covering the base. Please be accurate because if there is and errand throw that could possible result in a run that could be preveted. when throwing process commences please follow the ball while in hand and continue hawkeye it after you release to proceed with a impeccable throw.
Double plays also helps the defence tremendously because it shortens the amount of time the defence has to stand on the field, also having and effect of saving there energy; which quite possibly, may help out there offence as well, there stamina will increase also as well.

 Thank you for reading, until our next installment
        So long,.                            

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